When a veteran seeks help for a particular issue, they often don’t know exactly what support is available, what they may be entitled to or where to go for help.
SMEAC doesn’t want to treat a symptom. We want to understand a veterans entire situation, uncover other issues and ensure the cause is identified. Often its not one thing a veteran needs help with. In fact it is more often a plethora of issues including medical and health, understanding the DVA process, do I need an advocate and if so, how do I engage one
The following diagram demonstrates a veteran and their family engaging with SMEAC
Regardless of the initial access point, the veteran and their family will conduct an initial Discovery Meeting. Services may then then be provided by SMEAC, its partners or any number of ESO’s and other organisations.
Whether the mission is to gain employment, address mental health issues, access veteran entitlements, improve the family situation or address drug and alcohol dependency, SMEAC will ensure that the most critical need becomes the Mission and the overall plan encapsulates their other needs as well, which may include such things as services for their children or family such as retreat/camp/activity style support, financial counselling, health and wellness programs, training and re-skilling, and the myriad of other support mechanisms that all go to support the achievement of the overall mission.
The key is to ensure a comprehensive and balanced approach to supporting the veteran that empowers them to take ownership and take action.
- Initial meet & greet
- Understand SMEAC, The Hub, what we offer etc
- Fact Find to understand the Veterans’ current Situation
- Identify the key issues
Overview of the SMEAC process and Vets role in it.
- Agree the main objective / priority = The Mission
- Ensure awareness of all the services on offer
- Identify those other services and support that will aid the achievement of the mission and that satisfy the needs of the veteran and their family
- Agree/Draft an Action / Execution Plan that is prioritised and balanced
- Discuss Administration and Logistics issues to ensure seamless access to appropriate services – travel etc
- Discuss options to access services – where, when, how
Establish access to online systems, support, DVA etc as needed
- Establish Communications with relevant service providers and establish meetings for the veteran / family
- Conduct a warm handover as required
- Agree appropriate SMEAC ‘check-ins’ with veteran and their family throughout the ensuring weeks / months / year